Mar Vista Animal Medical Center

3850 Grand View Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90066



We have assembled a list of products that may be helpful for dogs with weakness, especially rear leg weakness. These products may be available through your local pet supply store, various internet sources, or your regular veterinarian’s office. We think they will facilitate the lifestyle of both the dog and the owner.

If you think your pet might require more intensive aid, visit our page on The Care of the Paralyzed Pet for further products, including carts and “doggie wheelchairs.”

The products pictured here are only examples, and are not all-inclusive. Other companies make the same type of products, and many of the companies included here make other products, as well. For example, offers many of these and other products for disabled dogs.

Standard legal disclaimer: Although we or our clients may have used some of the products on this page, most are here only because someone told us, we saw their advertising, or we ran across their web page. We can’t vouch for any of these products or their companies, but if something looks like it may be helpful for your pet, please contact the company directly and find out for yourself. Conversely, if you know of any helpful products for arthritic dogs that you think we should include on this page, please eMail us by clicking on the “Send eMail” link at the very bottom frame of the page, and tell us the appropriate information to include in the future.



Slippery floors are trouble for the weak dog. Many a dog can exhaust himself trying to rise on a hard wood or tile floor. Rubber shoes for dogs have been used to protect the paws of performance and rescue dogs. They also help for negotiating slippery floors. Since the introduction of boots, other products have been introduced to support mobility on slippery floors. Here are some links to some helpful products:


K-9 Carts

K-9 Carts



Walk Boot on Dog



Pawtology Logo


Pawfriction Kit

Paw Friction Pads

Dr. Buzby's logo

Dr. Buzby's

Text: 843-781-6430


toe grips

PawzDogBoots logo


Pawz Dog Boots

Dog with boots

Other items useful for slippery floors are rubber bathtub mats and yoga mats. These frequently provide the necessary friction for mobility.



Some dogs simply need help getting up and we don’t all have the strength to keep dog-lifting several times a day. Fortunately, special handle-harnesses are available to assist in raising up the back or front of the patient, whichever end needs help. 


K-9 Carts logo

K-9 Carts


Handheld Front Sling

dog in front sling




K-9 Carts logo

K-9 Carts


Handheld Rear Sling

Dog in rear sling




Doggon' Wheels logo

Doggon' Wheels


Support Sling (front or rear)

Dog in support sling




Bottom's Up Leash logo

Bottom's Up Leash


Support Sling (front or rear)

dog in rear sling


The Help 'Em Up Harness logo

The Help 'Em Up Harness


The Help 'Em Up Harness

dog in help harness



When the food and water bowls are located on the floor, it may be hard for a dog to lean down to reach them. The dog may not be able to steadily bend his elbows and knees slightly so as to reach the food without becoming weak and having to lie down. And then it may be all the more difficult to stand up again.

Providing raised bowls allows the dog to maintain a standing position and be able to reach the food and water.


PetEdge  logo

Your veterinarian can order this product for you through PetEdge (formerly known as the New England Serum Company).

PetEdge does not sell directly to pet owners.

Adjustable Diner with two Bowls

raised feeder





Great Companions logo

Great Companions


Nuzzle Nest Beds

Comes in Small, Medium, Large and X-Large, but the biggest two sizes may not fit inside your home washing machine.

Dog in petbed




PetStep International, Inc. logo

PetStep International, Inc.


dog using car ramp

Do you know of a helpful product that we haven’t mentioned?
Please use the “eMail us” function below to let us know.


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Page last updated: 11/11/2021