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A venomous animal is one with specialized glands that secrete a toxic substance which immobilizes and then kills prey. Spiders, insects, and snakes are venomous animals with snakes being particularly deadly. There are four types of venomous snakes:
The snakes with rigid fangs bite and hold their prey until it dies. The snakes with hinged fangs, such as the rattlers, will strike delivering their poison, release the prey, and then look for the dead body. Snake venom is highly complicated. At least 26 separate enzymes have been identified but some 10 enzymes appear common to all snake venoms (though in different concentrations). All snake bites are not equal. The quality of venom depends not only on the type of snake but on the season, the geographical region, the age of the snake, and how recently it has released venom previously.
CALIFORNIA RATTLESNAKES The only venomous snakes in California are the rattlesnakes and there are eight species: the southern pacific rattlesnake, the northern pacific rattlesnake, the great basin rattlesnake, the western diamondback, the red diamondback, the sidewinder, the speckled rattlesnake, and the Mojave green rattlesnake. The Western Rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis) – This snake species has been divided up into numerous subspecies and DNA analysis is showing that these may actually be separate species. There are currently 7 subtypes of Crotalus viridis and three are native to California (these three pictures thanks to California Reptiles and Amphibians at www.californiaherps.com)
Crotalus viridis helleri (the Southern Pacific Rattlesnake), Crotalus viridis lutosus (The Great Basin Rattlesnake), and Crotalus viridis oreganus (the Northern Pacific Rattlesnake)
(The following five pictures thanks to Biology of the Rattlesnake Symposium at Loma Linda University at: www.williamkhayes.com/rattlesnakes)
The Mojave Rattlesnake (Crotalus scutalatus), sometimes called “the Mojave Green Rattlesnake”)
Rattlesnakes can be found in rural areas as well as suburban areas where there is sufficient natural habitat. In Northern California snakes will hibernate during cold months and are active March through September. In Southern California they are active all year round.
DOGS VS. SNAKES Dogs encounter snakes during play or work in the snake’s natural habitat. Most bites to dogs occur on the face or extremities. The rattlesnake bite is generally “hemotoxic” which means that it exerts its toxin by disrupting the integrity of the blood vessels. The swelling is often dramatic with up to 1/3 of the total blood circulation being lost into the tissues in a matter of hours. The toxin further disrupts normal blood clotting mechanisms leading to uncontrolled bleeding. This kind of blood loss induces shock and finally death. Facial bites are often more lethal as the swelling may occlude the throat or impair ability to breathe. An exception would be the Mojave rattlesnake whose venom is “neurotoxic.” The bite of this snake causes rapid paralysis. This includes paralysis of the respiratory muscles and suffocation. How serious a snake bite is depends on two factors:
The amount of venom injected (approximately 20-25% of bites are "dry" meaning no venom has been injected, 30% of bites are mild meaning they cause local pain and swelling in the bite area and no systemic symptoms, 40% of bites are severe with approximately 5% actually being fatal.
TREATMENT The faster the bite is recognized, the more effective the treatment is. Do not try to cut the bite wound open or suck out the poison. Pressure bandages have been advocated but while these will help keep the poison from moving centrally in the circulation, they also can increase the local tissue damage by concentrating the poison near the bite wound. It is best to seek veterinary care immediately for proper treatment.
IV FLUIDS Since the most common mechanism of death from rattlesnake bite is circulatory collapse, IV support and monitoring for signs of blood pressure drop are very important. Fluids may be started at a relatively slow rate if the patient is stable but should signs of impending trouble occur, circulatory volume replacement is as easy as opening a drip set valve. Twenty four hours of observation post-bite is a prudent observation time with IV fluid administration all the while.
Antivenin is very helpful in the inactivation of snake venom but there is a narrow window during which it must be used. After about 4 hours post-bite, antivenin is of minimal use.
ANTIHISTAMINES Injections of antihistamines may or may not be helpful with the inflammation from the actual snake bite but may be helpful in warding off anaphylactic reaction to the antivenin. Further, the sedating side effects of antihistamines help calm the patient. Antihistamine use is a common therapy used in the treatment of snake bites. Corticosteroids seem like they would be helpful as they are universally anti-inflammatory; however, their use has been associated with higher mortality rates so they are not generally administered.
OTHER TREATMENTS Blood transfusion may be necessary if life-threatening blood loss has occurred. Antibiotics are often used to control secondary infections. Medications to control pain are important to snake bite patients.
A snake bite should always be treated as an emergency even in a vaccinated dog.
Many communities where rattlesnakes are common have training programs for dogs teaching them to recognize and retreat from the sound, sight and smell of rattlesnakes. Assorted training methods are used. Our hospital is not in a snake area so we do not have direct experience with these programs but here are some links to review if you are interested in this kind of training. Consider testimonials and speaking with those in charge to get more details before selecting a program for your dog.
https://ovlc.org/rattlesnaketraining www.snakesafedog.com https://rattlesnakeclinic.as.me/schedule.php Page last updated: 12/3/2020 |