Our Hospital's Vaccination Policy

More information about our Vaccination Policy.

Cat Vaccines
Kitten Series
If you skip a year
Required for:
Applies to:
FVRCP (injectable or nasal) Also called “Distemper Shot”
NASAL: One before age 12 weeks, one age 12 weeks or after, boost one year later, and then every 3 years. INJECTABLE: one age 6 weeks or after, then every 3 - 4 weeks until age 16 - 20 weeks. The initial series should employ at least 2 shots. Boost in 1 year, then every 3 years.
Just pick up where left off - no need to start initial series.
All Cats
Comments: Some cats sneeze for a few days after taking the nasal vaccine. This should require no treatment.
Kitten Series
If you skip a year
Required for:
Applies to:
Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV)
TEST FIRST First vaccine no earlier than age 8 weeks, then boost in 3 - 4 weeks. If more than 6 weeks have passed between the first and second initial doses, the first dose should be considered invalid and the series restarted. Cats in open households should be tested annually.
Kitten: If second vaccine in initial series is skipped, initial series should be restarted
Adult: Just pick up where left off
Outdoor cats, or cats likely to be exposed to rescued strays, all kittens under age 1 year.
Comments: Give shot in left rear leg below knee when possible (according to AAFP guidelines).
Kitten Series
If you skip a year
Required for:
Applies to:
RABIES (Recombinant)
First vaccine no earlier than age 12 weeks. Next shot in one year. After that, good for one year.
Pick up where left off; new vaccination will be good for 1 year
Comments: Give shot in right rear leg below knee when possible (according to AAFP guidelines).
Dog Vaccines
Puppy Series
If you skip a year
Required for:
Applies to:
DHLPP - also called “Distemper Shot” (Lepto portion is "4 Way," Distemper portion is Recombinant)
Begin vaccinations between age 6 - 12 weeks. Vaccinate every 3 - 4 weeks until age 16 weeks, then boost in one year. After this, boost every 3 years. At least 2 vaccines are necessary initially. Puppies under age 12 weeks: No lepto.
At age 12 weeks include lepto and continue to age 14 - 16 weeks, then annually, then every 3 years. If a puppy or dog begins vaccinations at a later age, there should always be at least 2 vaccines in the series 2-4 weeks apart. If the exposure is deemed high risk then the puppy series should continue to age 18-20 weeks.
If more than 6 weeks have passed between doses in the puppy series, the older vaccine should be considered invalid.
Pick up where left off
Yes (except Leptospirosis vaccination is not required)
Yes (except Leptospirosis vaccination is not required)
All Dogs
Comments: This is considered to be the basic canine vaccination. If the dog is felt to be high risk for Leptospirosis, then a separate Leptospirosis vaccine should be given annually. Leptopirosis vaccine is withheld from dogs under 20 lbs to reduce uncomfortable post-vaccination inflammation.
Puppy Series
If you skip a year
Required for:
Applies to:
Bordetella Nasal Format
First dose as early as age 3 - 4 weeks, then annually.
Pick up where left off
Yes (any format)
Yes (any format)
All Dogs
Comments: Oral, nasal or injectable vaccine will fill boarding or bathing requirement. Some dogs sneeze for a few days after taking the nasal vaccine.
Puppy Series
If you skip a year
Required for:
Applies to:
Bordetella Injectable Format
First dose age 8 weeks, second dose at 12 weeks, then annually. If more than 6 weeks pass between these two shots, the first vaccine should be considered invalid.
If puppy series incomplete, restart it. Otherwise, pick up where left off.
Yes (any format)
Yes (any format)
All Dogs
Comments: Oral, nasal or injectable vaccine will fill boarding or bathing requirement. Does not work if given nasally or orally.
Puppy Series
If you skip a year
Required for:
Applies to:
Bordetella Oral Format
First dose given at age 8 weeks or older.
Pick up where left off.
Yes (any format)
Yes (any format)
All Dogs
Comments: Oral, nasal or injectable vaccine will fill boarding or bathing requirement. Give just inside the lip. Dangerous if accidentally given as injectable.
Puppy Series
If you skip a year
Required for:
Applies to:
First vaccine no earlier than age 12 weeks. Next shot in one year. After that, good for 3 years.
Pick up where left off.
Comments: This vaccine is a legal requirement for all dogs over age 4 months.
Puppy Series
If you skip a year
Required for:
Applies to:
Influenza H3N8/H3N2
First dose no earlier than age 6 weeks, then boost in 3 - 4 weeks. After that, boost annually. If more than 6 weeks pass between the initial two vaccines, the earlier vaccine should be considered invalid.
If more than 18 months overdue, restart the whole series.
Required for puppies less than 1 year.
Required for puppies less than 1 year.
Recommended for all dogs who board, go to park, daycare, grooming etc. Puppies under age 1 year especially.
Comments: Especially for puppies and dogs in contact with Rescue dogs or who board or are groomed where other dogs are present.
Puppy Series
If you skip a year
Required for:
Applies to:
Rattlesnake Bite Vaccine
Initial series is two vaccines 3 - 4 weeks apart. Dogs under 25 lbs. or over 100 lbs. need an additional third vaccine in 3 - 4 weeks. Vaccines should be given every 6 months. Puppies must be 4 weeks of age.
Pick up where left off.
Dogs that hike or camp in snake territory.
Comments: If your dog is bitten by a rattlesnake, a medical evaluation is still recommended for safety’s sake.
Puppy Series
If you skip a year
Required for:
Applies to:
Lyme Disease
Begin at 8 weeks of age or older with a series of two vaccines each given 2-4 weeks apart. If more than 6 weeks pass between boosters, the earlier vaccine should be considered invalid. Vaccination is annual thereafter.
If more than 18 months overdue, restart the whole series.
Dogs traveling to areas where tick exposure is expected.

Page last updated: 8/24/2020